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Join Our Mission
Changing the Narrative…
Our country is entering a new chapter, one we have never seen before… over 100 million people are 50 years of age or older, and the need for care is going to be more and more prevalent. We are dreaming of a nation where aging and care are understood and become part of our normal conversations with family.
To make this a reality, we need your help!
How One Person Makes A Difference
With over 100 million of adults 50+ in the US, we know it is a lofty goal for us to reach each and every single one…but with your help, we know that together we can create ripples that will eventually work their way into this space.
We invite you to join us in this exciting movement of changing the narrative of the senior care industry.
Educate Others
Have you heard of the saying “it takes a village”? Well, educating a nation takes a nation! We need your help to reach others. Here are ways you can get involved:
Share your Story
Share our site with those you care about, either digitally through your social networks, via email, or even add us as a link on your website.
Leave a review
How many times in your life have you looked into a company because someone you knew recommended it? Leave us a review to help others see how APlan2Age helped your family.
Educate Others
Wanting to share our information in your daily conversations? We have some printable handouts that include our website and QR code for easy access.
Advisory Council