

Bringing you over 40 years of experience

Bringing together a combined 40+ years of experience, Richard and Peter began the journey of starting APlan2Age after working with families across the nation on their aging journey. Seeing that most of the time, families act in crisis, and do not necessarily plan ahead, they both began educating their clients and communities about the importance of planning to age. One theme that keeps coming up is:

         You don’t know, what you don’t know.

Planning ahead does take time, but it will be much easier to act when health events arise, instead of reacting in crisis. With a goal to walk along side you during this journey of starting the conversation, we hope you are able to plan with confidence of thinking through current needs, and potential future ones.

Board and Officers

Peter Ross
Board President

Co-Founder and CEO of
Senior Helpers In-Home Care

Founder and CEO of
Town Square Adult Day Services

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Peter co-founded Senior Helpers in 2004. He has led the Company to become a National leader in Non-Medical Home Care. Peter has served as the CEO of Town Square Adult Day Services since he founded it. In addition, he is a member of the Healthcare Leadership Council.
Richard Wexler, JD
CEO | Chief Executive Officer

President and CEO of
Points of Life LLC

Podcast Host of
Caring in America

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Almost 20 years ago, Richard, his wife and two small children began caring for all four parents, the care lasted 14 years. Prompting Richard to found Points of Life LLC, and educate nationally about the complexities of aging and care. His Podcast, Caring in America, introduces Nationwide Senior Care Resources, through interesting conversations.
Steph Baierl
CIO | Chief Information Officer

Care Partner for Father

End-Of-Life & Death Doula

Owner of Popbees, LLC

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Steph began working with the aging population about 15 years ago in an assisted living facility. Moving into the non-profit world, she learned about the resources available in her area, and has a passion to bring education to others through the use of digital platforms. She is now a death doula and provides comfort and support for those dying.

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